I am Eric Carl, currently employed at the Gnomon School of Visual Effects in Los Angeles as a web designer and instructor.

On this blog I will reveal all that I know and love about art, design and the creative process.

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Roger Dean at Sci-Fi-O-Rama

Kie over at the lovely Sci-Fi-O-Rama blog has been starting the year off right with some new site updates. In addition to some tweaks to the blog, he just put up a new post, “Roger Dean – As chosen by those he has inspired“, which has a few different illustrators and designers, myself included, weighing in our their favorite Roger Dean pieces.

Above is the piece I selected, the cover for Billy Cox’s LP “Nitro Function”. Check out the post for more details and more Roger Dean!



  1. Kie January 24th, 2010 at 4:55 am

    Cheers for the comments & link to Eric…. and I think the Nitro Function image looks even cooler backed onto back!!

  2. Draw February 5th, 2010 at 12:47 am

    yeah that one is real awesome! I love the marbling effect, the atmosphere has this beautiful fog like feel

  3. Eric Carl February 5th, 2010 at 12:50 am

    Yup! Definitely a favorite of mine.

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